2nd Generation Audi TT Window Regulator Problems

The Audi TT has been produced and marketed by the Volkswagen group since 1998. For two generations the TT has given car lovers a sleek and stylish option for a sports sedan at an affordable price. Like all automobiles, however, problems do arise from time to time.

One known problem with the Audi TT, as well as other Audi models, is a problem with the window regulators. This issue has made it difficult for TT owners to raise and lower their power windows. A common problem is that the window becomes stuck in the halfway position. Halfway down or halfway up, depending on if you're an optimist or a pessimist, but either way you look at it, it is a very inconvenient problem especially if it starts to rain.

Some Audi owners report that a possible warning to the impending problem is a crunching noise emitting from the door panel while the power windows are in operation. There may also be a noticeable slow down in rate at which the glass is lowered or raised. This problem may be due to a failing motor or a failure of another part in the window regulator. While not a safety issue, necessarily, this needs to be addressed.

If you are experiencing this, or a similar problem with your Audi TT, it is strongly recommended that you take your car into a specialized German auto maintenance mechanic for a diagnosis and repair. A trained mechanic will be able to give you a diagnosis of the problem as well as an estimate for the cost of repairs.

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